Affordable Boating

Entrance to the World's Greatest Bay!
Entrance to the World's Greatest Bay!
Commodore Todd Silver, Vice Commodore Heather Silver, Rear Commodore Chuck Gorohoff, Staff Commodore Holly Estrada, Fleet Captain Stephen Estrada, Treasurer & Secretary Deanna Desin & Director Liz Allison.
Established 1957
Club History
Metropolitan Yacht Club of Oakland was a prestigious, popular and well-respected club founded in 1957, originally located in Jack London Square. Unfortunately, because of the Loma Prieta earthquake and the City of Oakland’s redevelopment plans, MYC lost its lease in 1999 when the
Established 1957
Club History
Metropolitan Yacht Club of Oakland was a prestigious, popular and well-respected club founded in 1957, originally located in Jack London Square. Unfortunately, because of the Loma Prieta earthquake and the City of Oakland’s redevelopment plans, MYC lost its lease in 1999 when the building was sold, scattering its large membership among its rival clubs.
The club continues to recruit new members and its membership is hopeful to someday, once again, have a 'brick and mortar' clubhouse. Meetings and socials are held at various clubs, restaurants and locations in and about Alameda and San Francisco.
In the photo: Commodore Stephen Estrada, Vice Commodore Holly Estrada, Rear Commodore Tish Gietz, Staff Commodore Duane Gietz, Treasurer & Secretary Deanna Desin, Fleet Captain Todd Silver, Directors; Liz Allison, Heather Bauer/Silver, Marcy Hanely, and PICYA Delegates Gemmy Ludkey & Chuck Gorohoff.
Join us for a cruise to remember, share your boating lifestyle and bring friends!
Todd Silver
Vice Commodore:
Heather Silver
Rear Commodore:
Chuck Gorohoff
Staff Commodore:
Holly Estrada
Deanna Desin
Fleet Captain:
Stephen Estrada
Liz Allision
Kim Collins
Brian Rogers
Our members come from various walks of life and enjoy sailing as well as cruising. Whether you have a sail boat, a cruiser, an off shore or a PWC our club is the place to be. We welcome all types of boaters to our events. Membership is annual and very affordable.
Metropolitan YC promotes yachting activities, social events, inter-club communications, and community service. Metropolitan YC holds it’s annual General Membership meetings and Change of Watch in October. Members enjoy cruising from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Sacramento River Delta.
We are active members of the Pacific Inter-Club Yachting Association (PICYA), Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC) and Cal Boating. Our members enjoy reciprocal boatinig privileges with mamy local and distant yacht clubs.
Reciprocal Privileges
While membership in MYC and PICYA does not automatically confer reciprocal privileges among all clubs, we believe that all our member clubs have a spirit of sportsmanship and friendliness toward other boaters; we support every club's right and responsibility to establish its own policies with respect to visiting privileges. Remind members to call or write in advance of a visit to another club whenever possible. It's a small courtesy that can prevent embarrassment and disappointment.
The Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association (PICYA) was formed in San Francisco on May 12, 1896, to improve communication between yacht clubs, provide uniform racing rules, and encourage yachting. The US Yacht Racing Association and YRA of San Francisco were created in 1928 to take over most major sail races. From the 5 charter clubs, today there are 100 member clubs in Northern California with a combined membership of approximately 15,600 boating families.
Metropolitan Yacht Club, CA
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